Members of the PACT team are at the 2024 annual conference of the Computers in Education Society of Ireland on 2nd March 2024 with a presentation entitled "CT Obstacle Course – How to run a collaborative computational thinking activity in your school". The printable materials associated with this presentation can be downloaded from here:

Associated resources:
CT Obstacle Course Teacher Pack (includes instructions, team answer sheets, class answer sheet, actions sheet, final challenge sheet "Crack the lock code", and solutions)
• If you run the CT Obstacle Course with your students we'd love to hear about it and get your feedback

The Bebras Challenge is the inspiration and basis for many of the resources created by the PACT team (the Bebras initiative is explained at the bottom of the page). Our computational thinking workbooks are available on the Workbooks page. Scroll down this webpage for all of the other PACT resources currently available for download. To receive notifications of new resources, join our mailing list by emailing .

St. Valentine's Day tasks
New for February 2025: St. Valentine's Day tasks

PDF versions of individual tasks [Notes on difficulty: ♦ primary level, ♦♦ primary and secondary, ♦♦♦ secondary]:

Associated resources:

St. Brigid's Day tasksBy Culnacreann - Own work, CC BY 3.0, Link
New for February 2025: St. Brigid's Day task
See also our task from St. Brigid's Day 2024 (below),

PDF version of task [Note on difficulty: ♦♦ suitable for primary and secondary]:

Associated resources:

Christmas tasks
New for December 2024: Christmas quiz and tasks

PDF versions of individual tasks [Notes on difficulty: ♦ primary level, ♦♦ primary and secondary, ♦♦♦ secondary]:

Christmas-themed online quiz:
Ski Quiz (all three tasks) ♦♦ primary and secondary levels (copy this link and send to your pupils)
Associated resources:

Halloween tasks
New for October 2024: Halloween tasks and quizzes

PDF versions of individual tasks [Notes on difficulty: ♦ primary level, ♦♦ primary and secondary, ♦♦♦ secondary]:

Halloween-themed online quizes (incorporate Halloween tasks from all years):
Costume Quiz (four tasks) ♦ primary level (copy this link and send to your pupils)
Halloween Pattern Quiz (five tasks) ♦♦ primary and secondary levels (copy this link and send to your pupils)
Trick-or-Treating Quiz (five tasks) ♦♦♦ secondary level (copy this link and send to your pupils)
Associated resources:

Easter tasks
New for March 2024: Easter tasks
See also our tasks from Easter 2023 (below), from Easter 2022 (below), and from Easter 2021 (below)

PDF versions of individual tasks [Notes on difficulty: ♦ primary level, ♦♦ primary and secondary, ♦♦♦ secondary]:

Associated resources:

St. Patrick's Day tasks
New for March 2024: St. Patrick's Day tasks

PDF versions of individual tasks [Notes on difficulty: ♦ primary level, ♦♦ primary and secondary]:

Associated resources:
• Printable extension activity "Which snake?" (related to the "Sleeping snakes" task above) with a lesson plan, suitable for Snr. Infants - 1st class

Tascanna Smaointeoireachta Ríomhaireachtúla do Sheachtain na Gaeilge
Nua don 4 Márta 2024: Smaointeoireacht Ríomhaireachtúil do Sheachtain na Gaeilge

Mar chuid de Sheachtain na Gaeilge, tá Leabhar Saothair sa Smaointeoireacht Ríomhaireachtúil á chur ar fáil as Gaeilge ag foireann PACT, i gcomhar le Roinn na Nua-Ghaeilge, Ollscoil Mhá Nuad.

Tá súil againn go mbainfidh sibh idir thaitneamh agus tairbhe astu. Táimid ag obair linn i gcónaí ar thascanna Gaeilge a chur ar fáil. Coinnígí súil ar an suíomh gréasáin le haghaidh tuilleadh acu.

Arna aistriú go Gaeilge ag Tracey Ní Mhaonaigh, Helen Kelly, agus Miriam Fitzsimons, Roinn na Nua-Ghaeilge, Ollscoil Mhá Nuad. An t-aistriúchán Gaeilge arna mhaoiniú ag COGG.

St. Valentine's Day tasks
New for February 2024: St. Valentine's Day tasks

PDF versions of individual tasks [Notes on difficulty: ♦ primary level, ♦♦ primary and secondary, ♦♦♦ secondary]:

Associated resources:
• Printable extension activity "Valentine's Day Dance" (related to the "Valentine's Day crossroads" task above) with a lesson plan, suitable for Snr. Infants - 1st class

St. Brigid's Day tasksBy Culnacreann - Own work, CC BY 3.0, Link
New for February 2024: St. Brigid's Day task

PDF version of task [Note on difficulty: ♦♦ suitable for primary and secondary]:

Associated resources:
If this resource proved popular in your classroom and you'd like more, or if you have a suggestion, we'd love to hear from you. Please consider completing our feedback form.

Christmas tasks
New for December 2023: Christmas quiz and tasks

PDF versions of individual tasks [Notes on difficulty: ♦ primary level, ♦♦ primary and secondary, ♦♦♦ secondary]:

Christmas-themed online quiz:
Snow Quiz (four tasks) for 11+ year olds (copy this link and send to your pupils)
Associated resources:

Halloween tasks
New for October 2023: Halloween tasks
See also our tasks from Halloween 2022 (below) and from Halloween 2021 (below)

PDF versions of individual tasks [Notes on difficulty: ♦ primary level, ♦♦ primary and secondary, ♦♦♦ secondary]:

Halloween-themed online quiz:
Broomstick Quiz (five tasks) for 11+ year olds (copy this link and send to your pupils)
Associated resources:

Easter tasks
New for March 2023: Easter tasks
See also our tasks from Easter 2022 (below) and from Easter 2021 (below)

PDF versions of individual tasks [Notes on difficulty: ♦ primary level, ♦♦ primary and secondary level]:

Easter-themed online quiz:
Chick Quiz (five tasks) for 10+ year olds (copy this link and send to your pupils)
Associated resources:

St. Patrick's Day tasks
New for March 2023: St. Patrick's Day tasks

PDF versions of individual tasks [Notes on difficulty: ♦♦ 10+ year olds, ♦♦♦ 12+ year olds]:

Associated resources:

Tascanna Smaointeoireachta Ríomhaireachtúla do Sheachtain na Gaeilge
Nua don 1 Márta 2023: Tascanna Smaointeoireachta Ríomhaireachtúla do Sheachtain na Gaeilge

Mar chuid de Sheachtain na Gaeilge, tá tascanna Bebras á gcur ar fáil as Gaeilge ag foireann PACT, i gcomhar le Roinn na Nua-Ghaeilge, Ollscoil Mhá Nuad. Tá súil againn go mbainfidh sibh idir thaitneamh agus tairbhe astu. Táimid ag obair linn i gcónaí ar thascanna Gaeilge a chur ar fáil. Coinnígí súil ar an suíomh gréasáin le haghaidh tuilleadh acu.

An Dr Tracey Ní Mhaonaigh a rinne na haistriúcháin / Translations by Dr Tracey Ní Mhaonaigh.

PDF versions of two-page worksheets translated from our Computational Thinking Workbook. [Notes on difficulty: ♦ 8+ year olds, ♦♦ 10+ year olds, assuming native Irish language readers, adjust for Irish reading age]:
Coirceog Coirceog ♦♦

Associated resources:
Teacher notes (in English) including solutions, lesson plans, suggestions for extension activities, and links to computational thinking
• The full ten-lesson CT Workbook (in English) that these tasks were taken from
• If you would like us to get the whole workbook translated into Irish, please give us feedback through the Teacher notes access link above

St. Valentine's Day tasks
New for February 2023: St. Valentine's Day tasks

PDF versions of individual tasks [Notes on difficulty: ♦ 8+ year olds, ♦♦ 10+ year olds]:

Associated resources:
• Printable cards (small size, medium size) to play your own Card trio game in class

Christmas tasks
New for December 2022: Christmas quiz and tasks
See also our tasks from Christmas 2021 (below) and from Christmas 2020 (below)

PDF versions of individual tasks [Notes on difficulty: ♦ 8+ year olds, ♦♦ 10+ year olds, ♦♦♦ 12+ year olds]:

Christmas-themed online quiz:
Holly Quiz (four tasks) for 12+ year olds (copy this link and send to your pupils)
Associated resources:

Science Week 2022
New for November 2022: Science Week event: Bebras Computational Thinking Tasks for Primary and Secondary Schools

We have recorded videos that explain the solution to each task introduced during last year's on-line Computational Thinking Workshop over Zoom for Science Week 2021. We have also made the tasks available in a quiz format, and have solutions available in PDF format.

PDF versions of individual tasks [Notes on difficulty: ♦♦ 10+ year olds, ♦♦♦ 12+ year olds]:
Sports Sports ♦♦   Solution video: Sports_ScienceWeek.mp4   Slides: Slides
Beaver tournament Beaver tournament ♦♦   Solution video: BeaverTournament_ScienceWeek.mp4   Slides: Slides
QB code QB code ♦♦   Solution video: QBCodes_ScienceWeek.mp4   Slides: Slides
Book sharing club Book sharing club ♦♦   Solution video: BookSharingClub_ScienceWeek.mp4   Slides: Slides
Locked chests Locked chests ♦♦♦   Solution video: LockedChests_ScienceWeek.mp4   Slides: Slides
Dinner time Dinner time ♦♦♦   Solution video: DinnerTime_ScienceWeek.mp4   Slides: Slides

Online Science Week 2022 Quiz:
Science Week 2022 Quiz (all six tasks) for 14+ year olds (copy this link and send to your pupils)
Associated resources:

These tasks were taken from previous years of the International Bebras Challenge, so any classes that intend to take part in this year's Irish Bebras Challenge 7th-25th November 2022 can use this as an opportunity to practice (!

Halloween tasks
New for October 2022: Halloween quiz and tasks

PDF versions of individual tasks [Notes on difficulty: ♦ 8+ year olds, ♦♦ 10+ year olds, ♦♦♦ 12+ year olds; the "Spider quilts" task might need teacher explanation of the "rows" and "columns" terminology]:

Halloween-themed online quiz:
Halloween Quiz (advanced level, all five tasks) for 12+ year olds (copy this link and send to your pupils)
Associated resources:

Tasks in Ukrainian language
New for October 2022: Tasks in three languages Ukrainian, English, Gaeilge
The Gaeilge versions were previously used for Tascanna Sheachtain na Gaeilge 2022 (thíos)

PDF versions of individual tasks [Notes on difficulty: ♦ 8+ year olds, ♦♦ 10+ year olds, ♦♦♦ 12+ year olds]:

Associated resources:

Easter tasks
New for April 2022: Easter quizzes and tasks

PDF versions of individual tasks [Notes on difficulty: ♦ 8+ year olds, ♦♦ 10+ year olds, ♦♦♦ 12+ year olds]:

Easter-themed online quizzes:
Bunny Quiz (beginner level, first three tasks) for 10+ year olds (copy this link and send to your pupils)
Easter Egg Quiz (advanced level, all five tasks) for 12+ year olds (copy this link and send to your pupils)
Associated resources:

St. Patrick's Day tasks
New for March 2022: St. Patrick's Day quizzes and tasks

Notes on difficulty:
  • The first task is pitched at 8+ year olds, the next three at 11+ year olds, and the full set of five tasks would be appropriate for 13+ year olds.
  • There is no upper age limit, so second-level TY students will still find them enjoyable, and even LC students will find them a useful opportunity to discuss the most appropriate strategy for each task.
  • Please feel free to give us feedback at!
Two St. Patrick's Day -themed quizzes, publicly available online
Rainbow Quiz (beginner level, first three tasks) for 11+ year olds (copy this link and send to your pupils)
Leprechaun Quiz (advanced level, all five tasks) for 13+ year olds (copy this link and send to your pupils)

PDF versions of individual tasks:

Tascanna Smaointeoireachta Ríomhaireachtúla do Sheachtain na Gaeilge
Nua don 8 Márta 2022: Tascanna Smaointeoireachta Ríomhaireachtúla do Sheachtain na Gaeilge (seachtain 2)

Mar chuid de Sheachtain na Gaeilge, tá tascanna Bebras á gcur ar fáil as Gaeilge ag foireann PACT, i gcomhar le Roinn na Nua-Ghaeilge, Ollscoil Mhá Nuad. Scaoilfear naoi thasc in aghaidh na seachtaine, do choicís na féile. Tá súil againn go mbainfidh sibh idir thaitneamh agus tairbhe astu. Táimid ag obair linn i gcónaí ar thascanna Gaeilge a chur ar fáil. Coinnígí súil ar an suíomh gréasáin le haghaidh tuilleadh acu.

Notes on difficulty:
  • The tasks are in increasing order of mathematical difficulty.
  • For native Irish language readers, the mathematical ability needed to solve the tasks is equivalent to that of 8+ year olds for the first 3 tasks, and 12+ for the full set of tasks.
  • For most pupils, however, their Irish language reading ability will determine which tasks are suitable, and teachers should decide for their own classes how much assistance is required.
  • There is no upper age limit, so second-level students will still find some tasks challenging.
  • Please feel free to give us feedback at!

PDF versions of individual tasks:

Tascanna Smaointeoireachta Ríomhaireachtúla do Sheachtain na Gaeilge
Nua don 1 Márta 2022: Tascanna Smaointeoireachta Ríomhaireachtúla do Sheachtain na Gaeilge (seachtain 1)

Mar chuid de Sheachtain na Gaeilge, tá tascanna Bebras á gcur ar fáil as Gaeilge ag foireann PACT, i gcomhar le Roinn na Nua-Ghaeilge, Ollscoil Mhá Nuad. Scaoilfear naoi thasc in aghaidh na seachtaine, do choicís na féile. Tá súil againn go mbainfidh sibh idir thaitneamh agus tairbhe astu. Táimid ag obair linn i gcónaí ar thascanna Gaeilge a chur ar fáil. Coinnígí súil ar an suíomh gréasáin le haghaidh tuilleadh acu.

Notes on difficulty:
  • The tasks are in increasing order of mathematical difficulty.
  • For native Irish language readers, the mathematical ability needed to solve the tasks is equivalent to that of 8+ year olds for the first 3 tasks, and 12+ for the full set of tasks.
  • For most pupils, however, their Irish language reading ability will determine which tasks are suitable, and teachers should decide for their own classes how much assistance is required.
  • There is no upper age limit, so second-level students will still find some tasks challenging.
  • Please feel free to give us feedback at!

PDF versions of individual tasks:

St. Valentine's Day tasks
New for February 2022: St. Valentine's Day quizzes and tasks

Notes on difficulty:
  • The first task is pitched at 8+ year olds, the next three at 11+ year olds, and the full set of five tasks would be appropriate for 13+ year olds.
  • There is no upper age limit, so second-level TY students will still find them enjoyable, and even LC students will find them a useful opportunity to discuss the most appropriate strategy for each task.
  • Please feel free to give us feedback at!
Two St. Valentine's Day -themed quizzes, publicly available online
Roses Quiz (beginner level, first three tasks) for 11+ year olds (copy this link and send to your pupils)
Hearts Quiz (advanced level, all five tasks) for 13+ year olds (copy this link and send to your pupils)

PDF versions of individual tasks:

Christmas tasks
New for December 2021: Christmas quizzes and tasks
Two Christmas-themed quizzes with 5 tasks each, publicly available online
Reindeer Quiz (beginner level) for 11+ year olds (copy this link and send to your pupils)
Elf Quiz (expert level) for 13+ year olds (copy this link and send to your pupils)

PDF versions of individual tasks:

Science Week 2021
New for November 2021: Science Week event: Bebras Computational Thinking Tasks for Secondary Schools

  • When: Wednesday, November 10, 2021, from 9:45 to 11:15
  • Duration: choose any duration between 15 min and 90 min, the class can join anytime, a new computational thinking task presented on each quarter hour
  • Where: Online (Zoom)
  • Audience: All secondary years, suitable for CS, maths, and science
This Computational Thinking Science Week event is intended for secondary school students. Together, we will solve six secondary school-level Bebras computational thinking tasks via Zoom. The event will start at 9:45 and last for 90 minutes. During each 15 minute interval we will solve a new task, giving time for discussion and feedback from participants. Teachers/classes can join for any part, or all, of the 90 minutes. Teachers/classes can participate using the text chat function in Zoom.

The Bebras tasks for the event are now available for download. They can be printed and handed out to the class or shared as PDFs electronically with the class.

Click here to book. (Booking closed.)
We will use Zoom for the event. The Zoom Meeting ID and Passcode will be emailed to you on the day before the workshop.

The tasks are from previous years of the International Bebras Challenge, so any classes that intend to take part in this year's Irish Bebras Challenge can use this as an opportunity to practice for the Challenge (!

Halloween tasks
New for October 2021: Halloween quiz and tasks

Notes on difficulty:
  • The first task is pitched at 8+ year olds, the next three at 10+ year olds, and the full set of five tasks would be appropriate for 12+ year olds.
  • There is no upper age limit, so second-level TY students will still find them enjoyable, and even LC students will find them a useful opportunity to discuss the most appropriate strategy for each task.
  • Please feel free to give us feedback at!
A Halloween-themed quiz with five tasks; publicly available online:
Quiz (5 tasks) for 12+ year olds (copy this link and send to your pupils)

PDF versions of individual tasks:

New for September 2021: TY module on computational thinking

We have developed a secondary school TY (transition year) module on computational thinking as part of the CSinc (TU Dublin) Learning Environment. The full list of modules (including BBC micro:bit, machine learning and AI, Python, and many more) is available on the CSinc learning environment webpage. Interested TY teachers can sign up for one or more modules by contacting CSinc. Preview the computational thinking module here:
  • Introduction for teachers to the eight lessons in the module (PDF)
  • Lesson plan for the first lesson (decomposition) (PDF)
  • Bebras tasks from the first lesson (incl. solutions and teacher notes) illustrating different aspects of decomposition Gossiping Alchemist Jigsaw Footprints

New for June 2021: summer-themed tasks

Notes on difficulty:
  • The first two tasks are pitched at 8+ year olds, the next two at 10+ year olds, the next three at 12+ year olds, and the full set of ten tasks would be appropriate for 14+ year olds.
  • There is no upper age limit, so even LC students will find them a useful opportunity to discuss the most appropriate strategy for each task.
Ten tasks with a summer theme; PDF versions of individual tasks:

New for March 2021: Easter quiz and tasks

Notes on difficulty:
  • The first task is pitched at 8+ year olds, the next two at 10+ year olds, and the full set of five tasks would be appropriate for 12+ year olds.
  • There is no upper age limit, so second-level TY students will still find them enjoyable, and even LC students will find them a useful opportunity to discuss the most appropriate strategy for each task.
An Easter-themed quiz with five tasks; publicly available online:
Quiz (5 tasks) for 12+ year olds (copy this link and send to your pupils)

PDF versions of individual tasks:

New for March 2021: St. Patrick's Day quiz and tasks

Notes on difficulty:
  • The first task is pitched at 8+ year olds, the next two at 10+ year olds, and the full set of five tasks would be appropriate for 12+ year olds.
  • There is no upper age limit, so second-level TY students will still find them enjoyable, and even LC students will find them a useful opportunity to discuss the most appropriate strategy for each task.
A St. Patrick's Day -themed quiz with five tasks; publicly available online:
Quiz (5 tasks) for 12+ year olds (copy this link and send to your pupils)

PDF versions of individual tasks:

Nua don 1 Márta 2021: Tascanna Smaointeoireachta Ríomhaireachtúla do Sheachtain na Gaeilge (seachtain 2)

Mar chuid de Sheachtain na Gaeilge, tá tascanna Bebras á gcur ar fáil as Gaeilge ag foireann PACT, i gcomhar le Roinn na Nua-Ghaeilge, Ollscoil Mhá Nuad. Scaoilfear naoi thasc in aghaidh na seachtaine, do choicís na féile. Tá súil againn go mbainfidh sibh idir thaitneamh agus tairbhe astu. Táimid ag obair linn i gcónaí ar thascanna Gaeilge a chur ar fáil. Coinnígí súil ar an suíomh gréasáin le haghaidh tuilleadh acu.

Notes on difficulty:
  • The tasks are in increasing order of mathematical difficulty.
  • For native Irish language readers, the mathematical ability needed to solve the tasks is equivalent to that of 8+ year olds for the first 4 tasks, and 12+ for the full set of tasks.
  • For most pupils, however, their Irish language reading ability will determine which tasks are suitable, and teachers should decide for their own classes how much assistance is required.
  • There is no upper age limit, so second-level students will still find some tasks challenging.
• Please feel free to give us feedback at or use the Teachers' Feedback Form

PDF versions of individual tasks:

Note: English translations of these tasks can be found in our CT Obstacle Course 1 "Ice cream".

Nua don 22 Feabhra 2021: Tascanna Smaointeoireachta Ríomhaireachtúla do Sheachtain na Gaeilge (seachtain 1)

Mar chuid de Sheachtain na Gaeilge, tá tascanna Bebras á gcur ar fáil as Gaeilge ag foireann PACT, i gcomhar le Roinn na Nua-Ghaeilge, Ollscoil Mhá Nuad. Scaoilfear naoi thasc in aghaidh na seachtaine, do choicís na féile. Tá súil againn go mbainfidh sibh idir thaitneamh agus tairbhe astu. Táimid ag obair linn i gcónaí ar thascanna Gaeilge a chur ar fáil. Coinnígí súil ar an suíomh gréasáin le haghaidh tuilleadh acu.

Notes on difficulty:
  • The tasks are in increasing order of mathematical difficulty.
  • For native Irish language readers, the mathematical ability needed to solve the tasks is equivalent to that of 8+ year olds for the first 4 tasks, and 12+ for the full set of tasks.
  • For most pupils, however, their Irish language reading ability will determine which tasks are suitable, and teachers should decide for their own classes how much assistance is required.
  • There is no upper age limit, so second-level students will still find some tasks challenging.
  • Please feel free to give us feedback at or use the form below.

PDF versions of individual tasks:

Note: English translations of these tasks can be found in our CT Obstacle Course 1 "Ice cream".

New for February 2021: St. Valentine's Day quizzes and tasks

Notes on difficulty:
  • The first three tasks are pitched at 8+ year olds, and the full set of five tasks is pitched at 12+ year olds.
  • There is no upper age limit, so second-level TY students will still find them enjoyable, and even LC students will find them a useful opportunity to discuss the most appropriate strategy for each task.
Two St. Valentine's Day -themed quizzes, publicly available online:
Quiz (first 3 tasks) for 8+ year olds (copy this link and send to your pupils)
Quiz (all 5 tasks) for 12+ year olds (copy this link and send to your pupils)

PDF versions of individual tasks:

New for December 2020: Twelve Tasks of Christmas

Christmas-themed quizzes with four tasks each; publicly available online:

PDFs of the 12 individual tasks are below. Notes on difficulty:
  • The tasks are in increasing order of difficulty.
  • The median difficulty level is pitched at 12-year-olds working together in groups of three.
  • We suggest the first few tasks could be read to pupils as young as second class primary school, and the final few could still be enjoyed by secondary school TY students.

New for November 2020: Full CT Obstacle course available

CT Obstacle Course 1 "Ice cream"

To request early access to the materials as they are developed, join our mailing list by emailing us at Solutions for the Obstacle Course are available for verified teachers from this email address also. We greatly appreciate your feedback so we can make our materials better and more useful. We would also like to demonstrate to our funders that our resources were used in schools across Ireland.

International Bebras Bebras ® (, founded by Prof. Valentina Dagienė, Vilnius University, Lithuania, is an international initiative to promote computational thinking among primary and secondary school students. It designs one of the most popular gender-balanced computer science-related activities for primary and secondary school students worldwide: the annual Bebras Computational Thinking Challenge (2.5 million participants from 56 countries last year alone, see Bebras statistics).

Bebras Ireland Tech Week Irish Computer Society The Irish Computer Society (ICS) is the National Bebras Organiser for Ireland. The ICS organises the Bebras Ireland challenge as part of its Tech Week activities. Since 2016, PACT members have been the Ireland representatives to the annual International Bebras Task Workshop where tasks for the subsequent international Bebras Challenges are developed. Bebras Ireland tasks created by the PACT team have been translated into tens of different languages by overseas national Bebras organisations and tackled by hundreds of thousands of primary and secondary students worldwide.